Using Doors as Liminal spaces of Power

Liminal places are places where the energy is thin between the worlds.

There are between places all around us. In these between places, the rules of the many worlds are suspended. In liminal places we can explore, experience, and shift our lives, and life in general.

It is through inhabiting these between spaces, becoming comfortable with them, and enjoying them, that we learn to direct their power.

Let's get woo-woo!

I hope you will suspend doubt for a moment and take a ride into possibility and expansiveness. Think about what the word expansiveness means to you? What picture comes to mind when you think of this word?

Make sure to drop yourself into your picture of expansiveness.

Remember I asked you to suspend doubt...

We travel in and out of different realities everyday. You may drop your kids at school, visit a park or store, go to work, or simply from one room to the next at home. The bathroom is a distinctly different reality than the kitchen or bedroom. How I interact with these spaces is distinctly different as well.

We walk through life with opportunities to engage with the world around us as we choose. Developing the eyes to see these opportunities all around us is the key. How will you choose to step into the spaces around you?

Doors tend to separate spaces in our world.

A door is a liminal space. You leave the safety of your car from a door and step into a parking lot. Closing the door behind you, you make your way towards the market, grabbing a cart as you approach the door. You step through the door and now you're shopping.

As I walk through this visualization, I recognize that I had several shifts in consciousness. First, I was in my car and I probably gathered myself and my thoughts before I exited the car into the reality of the parking lot. Next, I made another shift in consciousness as I prepared to enter the market. Finally, I went through the doors of the market and switched on my shopping persona.

To me this is the perfect visualization for us to take. Think about it... If I am not present in each one of these spaces, I will forget something vital: I'll leave my purse in the car, I'll forget a cart, or worst of all, if my brain is somewhere else, I will not get what I need at the store!

What this visualization illustrates is how we apply and shift our consciousness to different situations.

The door is the ultimate symbol of switching realities. Doors tell us that we are stepping from one place to another. A door is a liminal space. It's in that space that we decide who we will be on the other side of that door.

I hope you can see how powerful liminal spaces are and how you use them all the time to shift you focus in order to direct your power!

Here’s an invitation to use your power:

Recognize the ways in which you shift your consciousness, particularly when walking through doors.

Every time you step through a doorway, try to slow down and notice the change in your thinking. Notice the change in the feel of the room you are

entering. How did the shift feel in your body? Where did you feel it in your body? Did your thinking change? Was that thinking about you, the place, or the occupants? How are you carrying yourself in each setting? Do you feel powerful, scared, indifferent, tuned out, angry, happy, etc.?

Once you have done this for a while, try slowing down as you pass through the threshold of the doorway. Register that you are shifting. Check in with the shift on more subtle levels.

If you are so inclined, you may even wish to realign your thinking in a more powerful way and see how you interact with the energy there. Try doing this in the liminal space of the threshold itself.

The above is an excerpt from my Welcoming the liminal class.


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