Where do I fit in?

Do you feel feel as though you long for true belonging? It's an indescribable ache. Sometimes it's so strong that it ripples out from your heart and into your bones. At other times it is a dull ache, scratching at the back of your mind…

You are not alone! I want to share how attaining belonging is truly possible.

I never really "fit" in, BUT I do now. There seemed to be some code to connection with people that illuded me as a child. I was odd. The unseen world seemed so real to me, and I had a sense of people’s thoughts and feelings that was so real. NOT popular in school. Reading the dictionary was not cool, and neither was I!

Maybe your particulars are different than mine, but you relate to the longing and looking for a place to land.

The Welsh have a word for this...

Hiaerth, pronounced Hi-airth, is the indescribable longing for true belonging. It goes far beyond the feeling of homesickness. It's a yearning

to have a place that you are tied to where the culture and connections feel as though they are an intrinsic part of you. Maybe you experienced a glimpse of this? There might have been a visit somewhere, a festival, a coven that eventually disbanded, or a period of life where the connection was so deep and nourishing that it went all the way to your soul?

In today’s consumer society we are conditioned to look for the next “thing” to shove in this gap. Advertisers leverage this longing.

But what if I told you that the foundation to that belonging was right in front of you?

More precisely I believe there are 2 key steps you can take towards the creation of this illusive belonging.

Step 1: Stop looking elswhere

One of the key components of Hiaerth is place. Start where you are.

I always thought I would find this magical place. However, when I chose to accept where I was with a heart of love, suddenly the places I lived became alive.

No matter where you go there you are.

Don’t wait to start. Be present with the place you find yourself in right now, choosing to love. Stop focusing on the circumstances outside of you, but rather the beauty of the powerful being you are. I mean that. You are beautiful!

When you seek the joy of where you are right now, you will find it. Furthermore, because you are willing to receive belonging where you are, you will discover the YOUniverse brings opportunities you never dreamt of.

Step 2: Get into the place you are

Connection to the land is key to a feeling of belonging. That is because we are of this Earth.

Too many theologies floating around today ask us to work towards escaping Earth. The message is that you don’t “belong” because you are not from here. With that thinking, you never will belong! There was no incarnation mistake. You are supposed to be on Earth at this time to be uniquely YOU.

Dive into connecting with the natural elements around you.

If you are in a city begin to recognize the trees, plants and the skies around you. Connect. Just because you don’t live in that dream cottage in the country, wearing flowers in your hair, calling the animals to your aid, doesn’t mean that the earth where you are isn’t speaking and ready for connection.

You have a direct connection to Earth. Dive into the connection of the elements (Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Spirit) through your body.

Just get woo-woo

Feeling lost as to the how to connect? Get woo-woo.

You have to choose to believe in yourself. Throw off feeling foolish and break out the natural witch in you. Your body is not confused about how to connect with Earth, your mind is.

The borage of mundane world activities has tricked you into thinking and believing that you are not a divine, magical being, but you are.

Steps to connect

  1. Take a walk with no phone.

  2. Go slowly, noticing the plant life.

  3. Find a plant that interests you.

  4. Stop, breathe deep, reaching out with your energetic body. (Your heart space, not your mind).

  5. Listen for connection.

  6. Feel for connection.

  7. Receive connection.

These practices will open a new, deeply enriching form of connection to you.

One of the biggest keys to that illusive sense of belonging is understanding abundance. Earth is the greatest teacher of true abundance theology. But this is a topic for another blog!

If you are looking to explore and expand the abundance in your life, this may interest you.

how do you cultivate belonging in your life?


Using Doors as Liminal spaces of Power