We are all spiritual bumblebees!
If you want to fly in your life like never before, maybe it’s time to ditch the standard pair of wings that most people use.
I love bumblebees. If you didn’t know, bumblebees are gentle creatures who do not sting.
Other flying insects have a wing to weight ratio that adheres to aerodynamic principles of aircraft flight. Because of the size of the humble bumble — er, be — and the size of it’s wings, it shouldn’t be able to fly!
Lately I feel as though my life has become spiritually crowded. There are so many thoughts and feelings, along with my desires and responsibilities, calling me in all directions.
Do you ever feel like that?
Amidst the jumble is a sense, that somehow it could all come together if I could just get some perspective, but there is no room for my airplane-self to take off or land. Even the mighty hawk requires a landing strip!
I was outside, looking at the bustle around my mint flowers, when I saw a bumblebee. She defies the rules of regular flight because she’s not a cumbersome airplane, but a helicopter. And we all know that helicopters have real advantages.
Nature, once again, had provided the perfect answer that my weary soul was crying out for.
Thank you Goddess!
We are all spiritual bumblebees with the ability to lift off, defying the laws that bind us, and get the spiritual perspective we need. For me, it just takes remembering that I am a powerful spirit and that I can fly!
Lifting up from the chaotic jumble of everything through meditation and shamanic journeying, I have been able to see some of the components of my current soul’s work as interconnected, and also as pieces of self in energetic flux; whereas, my mundane self tends to experience interconnectedness as a jumbled mess!
No one likes life as a mess
As the bumblebee, I have been able to hover around those pieces with my bumblebee wings and see them from different angles. It’s quite lovely. I’ve also been able to land at different places within myself to see which pieces are in proximity to one another, lifting up again to see the whole.
“The trick is, like the bumblebee, to flit from flower to flower, plant to plant, or in this case piece to piece, collecting nectar from many sources.”
When I am stuck down down in the mundanity of my life, the confusion of my responsibilities, conflicting emotions from myself and others, as well as my old stories of self, keep me confused, overwhelmed and on repeat. This doesn’t have to be any of our stories!
When I rise above in spiritual objectivity, I leave behind the rules of the mundane world. It is then that I open myself to the nourishment of a spiritual life, where the magic of healing, quantum potential, the power of receiving, and guidance from many sources lead to self-empowerment in this world. Flitting from flower to flower, so to speak.
If you are feeling heavy, weighed down, confused or stuck, remember that you are a spiritual bumblebee!
For some cartomancy ideas to get those wings flapping try using my Power Card idea (video here) or some of my other ideas in my ideas for oracles series on YouTube (channel here).
Journaling Prompts: Am I willing to rise above this and take a look at what is keeping me stuck? What does my bumblebee self feel like in comparison to my mundane self?
Journeying Intention: Journey to the lower world with the intention of meeting bumblebee. Ask 3 times before your journey and 3 rimes again as you travel you path to the lower world to meet get a message from Bumblebee.