Frustration is an invitation to shadow work and new life
Life has been so frustrating lately.
I am just not really going anywhere, and movement is my middle name! The YOUniverse has me held in its grasp, asking me to really look at my life with deep honesty. In other words, I’m dealing with my shadow.
I once read in a Tony Robbins book that Frustration is when we are so close to our goal, but can’t quite get there. It is then that we need to adjust our course.
I had an amazing lightening strike last week when I found myself blocked, yet again, from what I wanted. (to hear the story, check out my video here) And it hit me:
With this revelation I have been able to see the shadows that need acknowledgment. I am not at great clarity yet, but the best revelations are the ones we truly work out. Flash in the pan thoughts, with no follow-up, rarely bring change.
And I am ready for change!
If you too are feeling frustrated, take heart. Nothing lasts forever. in my experience when I am in the midst of a divine frustration, the only way out, is to go deep. The answers are in the shadows. If the answers were not a little hidden, we wouldn’t need to find them! Leave a comment below about how frustration has led to new life….