Where’s the “POOF” in magic?
Sometimes I think we try too hard to MAKE magic.
The truth is that each of us IS magic personified and that magick is all around us. I don’t need to look any further that this moment to find, enjoy, direct and receive magick… and neither do you!
Maybe some of us are looking for lightning flashes and the “poof” factor? SO, I have been pondering the “poof” and finding it everywhere!
This morning I went out and there were ice crystals all over the roses bushes. My Rhugosa had a pink bud with ice frost crystals growing out in every direction from it’s luscious soft petals. I marveled at the juxtaposition of a flower in frost. I closed my eyes
for a moment and reached out to the rose and imagined the ice growing under the light of last nights moon across the flower, and the shimmer of moonlight on the earth. I could feel the crisp air on my cheeks and I was carried into that moment. My heart swelled with the power of that now, mingled with this now. I opened my eyes and POOF!, the magic was there before me (a rose sparkling with frost) and coursing through me.
There are moments of grandeur like that which/witch approach us everyday. They only take a moment to behold, but when we attune our eyes and hearts to the POOF, magic infiltrates every aspect of our lives.
For me, I find the recognition of magic comes in the feeling of its power. It’s when I’m feeling it in my mind, body, and sparkly self (call it spirit, soul, or what you will), that my life becomes magical and I am able to weave that power all around me.
Weaving your magic…
Did you notice the “weaving” when I spoke of the rose? I dipped my consciousness into 2 distinct moments, brought them together and harnessed magic. If you missed what I’m saying, I mean the journey to the formation of the frost the night before, feeling the incredible power of nature, to the rose before me in the crisp morning air. I wove those moments together…
I find the more I notice the poof and harness the weaving, the more present the magic becomes all around me. And the kind of magic that comes from harnessing the poof over and over is an awareness of the power that is in, around, through, and to all things.
Once we have begun harnessing the poof (the parking space that was right there, the smile of a child, the flavor of a perfect cup of tea), the easier it is to grab those threads and weave them with confidence. That confidence comes from recognizing the power in every moment — even the tough ones.
And this is an principal/discipline/spell of natural witchery:
Being present with the now
Acknowledging the moments that made that now
Feeling the power of those moments and their weaving
Allowing the your life to fill with the interconnectedness of those powerful moments
Allowing the weaving to flow through you
Directing the flow/magic through perfect love and perfect trust into manifestation/poof
Recognizing the poof by being with the now (that’s number one)
And because nature is a circle/cycle the flow continues and builds, as does our magic!
If you want more poof then try being present with a heart of wonder and gratitude. Practice the weaving in the little things and see how much easier it is to weave the magic of big things!
Let me know what you think? Do you practice this kind of magic?