What to do with that card in the reading that Stumps you?
Using another deck (or three) during a reading for reference can really expand your reading.
Most of you don’t need an excuse for getting another tarot deck, but are you maximizing your reading experience by pulling those other decks out?
There are times when a card doesn’t seem to “fit” in a reading. Maybe you aren’t that familiar with a card or you just can’t conceptualize it’s meaning with the reading at hand.
Before you draw a clarifying card
Another card tends to leave me wondering if I missed the message I was supposed to get? LOL
Use Contrast to spur fresh thought
Don’t think of the contrast as contradictory. This is your reading. Allow the pictures to play on your mind and expand your thoughts. By trusting yourself, you allow the symbolism to connect to you personally.
Try placing the cards side by side and see what speaks the most to you? What challenges you most? What says yes?
Not every symbol in a card is for you in the reading that you have sat down to! It’s ok to let it go if it doesn’t fit.
In my opinion, what matters is that we sit down to read and do so with a curious mind.
Tell me what you think?