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May you be sparked creatively and your world expanded!
Focus on Imbolc
Kindle your Hopes Spread
This spread is good any time of year that you want to kindle that spark of hope, when starting something new or have the blahs and need to FIND your spark again.
This really is great for Imbolc, as this is a time of hope and anticipation.
Imbolc Magical Crafting
Enjoy these recipes during the Imbolc season and all year round. You can adapt these through the seasons and bring the magic into everyday life.
Self Care NOW Spread
This easy to do self care spread will help you think in a healing and productive fashion.
You are important. Take a moment to MAKE yourself important and fill your cup.
Wildwood Tarot
Time of Arrows Journal Embelishment Printable
Use this for the Year in the Wildwood study. You can print these out and use them for your journal. You can cut them out and glue or print on sticker paper. Hope you will join us for the adventure of creating!
Facing Frustration Spread
If you are feeling stuck, and you are ready to really look at why you can’t move forward in an area of your life, then buckle up and try this!
NOt the usual 3 card spreads
Try out a different 3 card spread and spice things up?
Sometimes I just want to look at things from a slightly different angle.
Archetypal Power spread
If you are wanting to get to know a card from the Major Arcana in the Tarot or perhaps a certain oracle card deeply, try this spread.
Remember, you can do this over days. No rush!
Journaling the Tarot Suits
Here are some great prompts that will spark some deeper thoughts on the Tarot suits. I have found this exercise has deepened my connection to the cards and the elements.
Persephone spread
Let’s go deep into the underworld of the self as we make the descent into the darkest part of the year.
If you are looking to partner with support from the depths, this spread will invite you there!
Move Ahead Spread
Based on the The Chariot card, this spread is done with Tarot and Oracle cards, but has an adaptation for oracle only, if you so desire.
Use this spread when you feel stuck or as though things are lacking the momentum you desire in a situation, relationship or ___________…
Color Magic Grimoire Page
Here you will find the basic color magic correspondences. Use this page as a reference or look below for the blank one that you can fill out yourself. There is room on this one for hand written notes.
Summer Solstice / Litha Spread
Summer Solstice marks the end of the light half of the year and the beginning of the dark half of the year. This 10 card tarot or oracle card spread has you look at the rising of the sun and its setting into the darkness…